subsilver css trouble

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subsilver css trouble

Post by Hardcore_Shad »

Hi all!

I am modding my subsilver style and found out that the css controlled the ff colors into one command or ID:
- overall link
- navbar links
- category links

The prob is... my forum now has a dark category background, light navbar, and dark viewtopic navbars.

When I make my a:link white, the navbar suffers from the white links and so does my portal windoes that carry links in them. If I retain them as blue, the category names don't show. :(

Here are some sample pics:
viewtopic navbar does not show the subscribe links
viewtopic navbar does not show the subscribe links
link1.jpg (7.1 KiB) Viewed 28490 times
header navbar cannot show white links either
header navbar cannot show white links either
link2.jpg (4.65 KiB) Viewed 28490 times
category bar cannot show dark links
category bar cannot show dark links
link3.jpg (9.68 KiB) Viewed 28490 times
How can I separate the colors of each area so that the other does not affect the rest of the links?

Thanks much!
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